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Student Power and Light: Hidden Keys to Transforming Higher Ed
When conversations turn to reforming or transforming higher education, weighty tomes are written, groups of faculty & administrators assemble, and new plans are made and executed, often without consulting or involving a single student. In recent times, business has gotten better at listening to the “voice of the customer,” and in higher ed the student is customer, product, process, and precious all rolled into one. It would seem that involving, and engaging students more in their own learning would be a more urgent priority than it has been. In this episode, host Dave Goldberg explores this situation with two student advocates for change, Athena Lin, a junior at UIUC and Tyler Lindow, a senior at UCSD. Both spent last summer at Olin College in an REU investigating engineering education, and together they bring important insights into how education is disempowering and how it can become challenging, engaging, and empowering. Join Athena, Tyler, and Dave for an important conversation.