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The Future of A.I. Coaching and Collaboration: An Interview with John Abele

In this episode, host Dave Goldberg is joined by John Abele, founder of The Kingbridge Centre and Institute of Toronto. Kingbridge is an innovative learning and meeting space where leaders and their teams can come to leverage the collective intelligence of their people. Join John and Dave as they delve into John's background in collaborative technology, explore how Kingbridge uses…

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Big Beacon Radio Ep. 77: A New Approach to Entrepreneurship: An Interview with Olin College’s Lawrence Neeley

Ep. 77 - A New Approach to Entrepreneurship: An Interview with Olin College's Lawrence Neeley In this episode, host Dave Goldberg is joined by Dr. Lawrence Neeley, Assistant Professor of Design and Entrepreneurship at Olin College. Join Lawrence and Dave to highlight the entrepreneurial approach of Olin's program, discuss how the course, Products and Markets, is structured differently than traditional entrepreneurship…

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A New Approach to Entrepreneurship: An Interview with Olin College’s Lawrence Neeley

In this episode, host Dave Goldberg is joined by Dr. Lawrence Neeley, Assistant Professor of Design and Entrepreneurship at Olin College. Join Lawrence and Dave to highlight the entrepreneurial approach of Olin's program, discuss how the course, Products and Markets, is structured differently than traditional entrepreneurship courses, and explore the difference between projects and experiments when educating young innovators.

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What Does it Really Mean to be a STEM School?

Check out this piece written by Innovators Across Boundaries (IAB) member, Ann Kaiser of ProjectEngin. At ProjectEngin, we deal with schools, teachers, and classrooms in various stages of defining themselves as “STEM” or sometimes “STEAM”. It can range from one teacher “doing STEM” for 20-30 minutes per week to an entire school claiming to be “certified in STEM”.  Somehow the…

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Big Beacon Radio Ep. 76: Creating Project-Ready Engineers: An Interview with James Madison University’s Kurt Paterson

Ep. 76 - Creating Project-Ready Engineers: An Interview with James Madison University's Kurt Paterson In this episode, host Dave Goldberg is joined by Kurt Paterson, head of the engineering department at James Madison University. Join Kurt and Dave to explore James Madison's program, discuss the importance JMU places on getting students involved in projects early in their academic career, and delve…

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Incubators for Change: A Look Back at iFoundry with Karen Hyman

In this episode, host Dave Goldberg hops back in the time machine with former University of Illinois colleague, Karen Hyman, to discuss their work with the Illinois Foundry for Innovation in Engineering Education (iFoundry). Join Karen and Dave to recount the iFoundry story, explore what worked, what they learned, what the students took away, and what other programs can learn…

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Big Beacon Radio Ep. 74: Interdisciplinary Engineering and the Importance of Leadership: An Interview with University of Guelph’s John Donald

Ep. 74 - Interdisciplinary Engineering and the Importance of Leadership: An Interview with University of Guelph's John Donald In this episode, host Dave Goldberg is joined by John Donald, Associate Professor and Graduate Attributes Coordinator of the School of Engineering at University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. Join John and Dave to explore the interdisciplinary nature of Guelph's program, discuss the…

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Interdisciplinary Engineering and the Importance of Leadership: An Interview with University of Guelph’s John Donald

In this episode, host Dave Goldberg is joined by John Donald, Associate Professor and Graduate Attributes Coordinator of the School of Engineering at University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. Join John and Dave to explore the interdisciplinary nature of Guelph's program, discuss the importance of students engaging in complementary studies along with their engineering courses, and delve into Guelph's graduate…

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