Mark your calendars for the first ever Educational Transformers Unconference being held at Lehigh University’s Mountaintop Campus this 21-23 June 2017 (Wed-Fri).
While the highlight of many conferences is a dreary death by powerpoint that results in little or no change back on campus or out in the world, this intimate and active gathering brings together some of the most creative, passionate, and active thought leaders and educational transformers to share, to reflect, to learn, and create with the aim of accelerating change in higher education and education more generally.
Join Big Beacon networkers and other like-minded and like-hearted transformers to engage mind-to-mind, hand-to-hand, and heart-to-heart for the first time, share stories of transformation, and exchange inspiring ideas in the spirit of the Big Beacon movement.
**The Unconference is scheduled in time and space to permit easy transport and connection to the ASEE Summer Conference in Columbus, OH.

Unplanning nearly complete. The Unorganizing Uncommittee has been working to put together an inspiring and engaging unprogram. Check out our Unconference schedule here: bigbeacon.org/etuschedule
The 2017 UnConference UnPlanning UnCommittee,
Jeff Evans, Educational Innovators Working Group (EIWG) jje@purdue.edu
David Goldberg, Big Beacon, deg@bigbeacon.org
Khanjan Mehta, Lehigh University, krm716@lehigh.edu
Emma Schoenfelner, Big Beacon, emmabigbeacon@gmail.com
Bill Whitney, Lehigh University, wrw210@lehigh.edu