Join Big Beacon Radio host Dave Goldberg, Wednesday, 3 June 2015, 8pm ET for a lively #BigBeacon…
#BigBeacon Innovators & Innovations with Jennifer Herek from UTwente, Monday, 3/30, 10am ET
Join BB Innovators & Innovations host Dave Goldberg on Monday, 30 March 2015 at 10:00 am ET for a live Google On-Air Hangout (link here) with Dean Jennifer Herek as they discuss the University of Twente’s ATLAS program . The Mountaintop website describes the program as follows:
University College Twente offers the only Honours Bachelor’s programme in the Netherlands that combines Technology with Liberal education. It takes a unique approach to engineering education aspired to educate a different kind of engineers and global citizens who are capable of addressing global challenges and designing solutions in a wide range of social, cultural and political contexts.
More information about the program can be found here.
Dr. Herek’s short bio is presented below:
Jennifer Herek is Professor of Physics at the University of Twente (the Netherlands) and Dean of the new University College Twente that merges technology and liberal arts & sciences in an effort to create new engineers. This innovative program of “liberal engineering” is based on a project-based and student-led educational concept, where cooperative teaching and learning are central.
Please join us live or later on YouTube for what promises to be a lively exchange about an important change initiative.